Erlang: UDP socket usage example with gen_udp

UDP is a widely used protocol and Erlang is a great platform for different network application different kinds. Today I decided to publish small UDP echo server example. I know that UDP socket usage is very simple in Erlang, but I think somebody will find this code usefull.

Using MySQL PHP: select random row based on weight

Article describes algorithm of random row selection based on weight, so some rows will be selected more often than other. Article includes sample codes, so I hope will bу helpful to somebody.
Do not hesitate to leave comments if you have ideas how to improve the algorithm.

Using MySQL: select random row, but fast

Random rows selection may be slow and there are several commonly used solutions to solve this problm could be googled. In my article I am trying to review a few algorithms and to describe benefits and limitations of them.
Let me know if I have missed some good algorithm.

Using MySQL: ways to improve speed

As I have mentioned in one of my previous articles I am slightly disappointed in MySQL prepared statements, so I decided to look to theold and proven ways to improve the speed of the MySQL interaction. But what is even more impressive this approach allows even reduce hardware utilization.
This article describes SQL only and does not include PHP or erlang implementations, I hope publish some code soon.

Read complete article: Using MySQL: ways to improve speed