PHP geocoding class with Google Maps API v3

All of us know this very useful service of Google Maps. And lot of programmers already triev Google Maps API v3. Somebody even met the problem with the limit of the geo coding requests per time period. In some case server-side scrip can help to solve the problem. If the number of the locations is less than 12.000 (monthly limit of requests per IP), you can do geocoding server side and save the results to the database. If your application requires more geocoding requests than you should implement some sort of client-side geo coding strategy. This will use IPs of your site visitors.
As usual I have prepared some code. Right now that is php class that implements server-side strategy of geocoding as a wrapper for the http requests to Google Maps service.

Read complete article: PHP geocoding with Google Maps API v3

MySQL master-slave and master-master replication

Simple step by step instructions for MySQL master-slave and master-master replication setup with some security conciderations. This article was written to reflect some changes that took place in the latest versions of MySQL database server.

Read complete article: MySQL master-slave and master-master replication. Setup instructions.

Erlang string to IP coversion and IP to string conversion

Today I had to convert string to IP for one of my Erlang modyles. Preaty simple operation, but I decided to describe this in my blog.

You can read the article here: String to IP tuple and tuple to IP address

Sorry, I have moved my blog to my own blogging platform, so you can rad all the articles there.